What is DeltaDualCore™
The DeltaDualCore™ panels are available in both DeltaTrim™ & DeltaOrb™ configurations, consisting of two pre-painted roll-formed skins encapsulating a combination of Expanded Polystyrene Fire Retardant Grade (EPS-FR) insulation with Mineral Wool (MW). The Mineral Wool core is positioned at the end of the panel when constructing a Class 10 structure within 900mm of the boundary line.

National Construction Code Non-Combustibility Requirement
To comply with Part 3.7 of the National Construction Code (NCC 2020) Volume two requires that any structure built within 900mm of a boundary must be non-combustible, Delta Panels developed a dual core panel. The Mineral Wool core used in the insulated panel at the boundary end when building a Class 10 structure ensures compliance to the NCC code.

CodeMark Australia CM40330
CodeMark Australia Certificate CM40330 specifically covers the non-combustibility requirements of the Mineral Wool Component of DeltaDualCore™ panels.

Patent Protected
Due to its novel approach providing a solution to the building requirements under the National Construction Code, DeltaDualCore™ panel has been awarded Innovation Patent Number 2021104435.