We have recently received the Factory Mutual Certificate of Compliance for the following products:
DeltaCool-TPC™ - FM4880, 4881 & 4882
DeltaTrim-TPC™ - FM4880, 4881, 4882 & 4471
DeltaOrb-TPC™ - FM4880, 4881, 4882 & 4471
DeltaCorroCorro™-TPC - FM4880, 4881, 4882 & 4471
This covers the main range of panels that utilises Thermosetting Phenolic Composite core material. All of these panels are available in our normal extensive range of colours and profiles.
The TPC product is produced through our patent protected process of coating Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), a closed cell lightweight cellular plastics material with a phenolic composite coating to produce a core material with superior fire ratings.
Patent Application No: AU2023266264
For more information about our certified products, please visit our website for the most up-to-date documents and certificates.